Monday, May 20, 2013

A Bit More Progress on the Yard

My daughter had bought blue hydrangeas to decorate for the wedding (which wound up being inside since it was raining and cold) and she blessed me with them afterwards. So I dug out shrubs and other unwanted things from a little area that is in view of my scrapbook table. Then Ed got out the tiller and worked it up good, added a bit of good soil and I planted the hydrangeas along with some orange impatiens. Here is how it looks after planting but before mulching. It should grow into a really pretty little spot of color before the summer is ended.
Now this little bit of work is really nothing when compared to what Ed is doing in the front yard. He's recuperated enough from his hip replacement to get down to some really hard work. When we bought the house last August this is how this spot in the yard looked with all the overgrown thicket around these three beautiful big pine trees.
Last fall he pulled his truck up to the area and hooked onto the big stuff with a cable and hook and got it all cleared out. All along we planned to have this be a real spot of beauty. Ed decided to build a retaining wall around the trees for a bed. We'll be adding some spots of annual color with some permanent somethings in the center. I'm thinking of probably having a snowball tree and perhaps some smaller azaleas. Not sure yet about that part. But here's his start on it. He's actually 2/3 through with the wall but this picture was taken a few days ago. I'll make another post when it's finished.
So that's a bit of the progress we've made with this renovation of an abandoned, overgrown yard. The neighbors tell us that the former owners kept it beautifully until declining health preventing their doing so.

I'm thinking my next post will be about my other beloved hobby - scrapbooking.