Friday, March 8, 2013

Backyard Redo

Our granddaughter is getting married soon and wants to have her wedding in our backyard. Which has a lot of potential. Which requires a lot of work. Which is starting to get done. Ed grabbed a rule, ran out in the back and began measuring. Pulled out some paper and a pencil and began figuring. Picked up the phone and began ordering top soil and sod. Hooked up the yard mower with his little trailer, threw in a pitchfork and began work. You see, we had these two big water oaks removed last fall shortly after we moved here because it's a small yard and had three huge trees. Those two water oaks along with a very large live oak. We let the tree people leave the little wood chips spread over the yard thinking they would be good for it. But now we have learned that they will build up too much heat in the soil and make it hard on the grass. So the chips must go. We're just piling them in another place to let them rot and make some good mulch eventually. I'm gonna stop here and show you the before pictures. In a couple of weeks I hope to show you some after pictures that will show a dramatic change.

That's it for now. Gotta get out and get some shrubs and pretty plants because it's not just the lawn that's getting redone. All for you, Sarah our firstborn grandchild who we love so very much.