Last fall he pulled his truck up to the area and hooked onto the big stuff with a cable and hook and got it all cleared out. All along we planned to have this be a real spot of beauty. Ed decided to build a retaining wall around the trees for a bed. We'll be adding some spots of annual color with some permanent somethings in the center. I'm thinking of probably having a snowball tree and perhaps some smaller azaleas. Not sure yet about that part. But here's his start on it. He's actually 2/3 through with the wall but this picture was taken a few days ago. I'll make another post when it's finished.
So that's a bit of the progress we've made with this renovation of an abandoned, overgrown yard. The neighbors tell us that the former owners kept it beautifully until declining health preventing their doing so.
I'm thinking my next post will be about my other beloved hobby - scrapbooking.
It is looking wonderful! I can't get the hydrangea's I planted in my yard to bloom. Actually one of the bushes died last summer. The other came back, but no flowers.
It is looking wonderful! I can't get the hydrangea's I planted in my yard to bloom. Actually one of the bushes died last summer. The other came back, but no flowers.
I had to re-read that last sentence twice. At first I read it as hubby instead of hobby! LOL The retaining wall is fabulous; I'd love to have a nice wall like that!
Gloria, what a pretty yard! Hydrangeas are one of my favorite plants. I have one right next to my front steps.
Can't wait to see the area with the hydrangea's and impatiens when its fully grown.. Will be nice to look out your window when your scrapbooking. And the area with the pine trees and retaining wall looks better without the overgrown bushes.. I really like the retaining wall too.
{Pattie's passion}
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!
Looks so pretty Gloria - I know you will enjoy seeing the plants and flowers outside your window!
Looks great Gloria. I know you will enjoy seeing the plants and flowers outside your window.
Looking really good!!!! I LOVE hydrangeas. They remind me of my mom.....she had a green thumb!
Wow you all have done a lot of work. I know your hard work will pay off for many years to come. My neighbors across the street have a snow ball tree and I love watching it bloom every spring with the huge snowball flowers on them.
Hi Gloria, I can't log in under any blogs as I don't have one..It is Jo~Anne from CK here, I am loving your Hydrangeas and your beautiful garden and improvements to your yeard, Thanks for sharing with us!
Gloria, what a lovely spot of color you will have to look at from your scrapbook table. And how great that retaining wall is! My hubby and I did one of those when we moved into this house and I know how much work it is. Looking good!
Gloria, what a lovely spot of color you will have to look at from your scrapbook table. And how great that retaining wall is! My hubby and I did one of those when we moved into this house and I know how much work it is. Looking good!
Beautiful! Love the orange and blue combo! Really is a lovely yard...
Your yard is looking beautiful, every little thing helps, doesn't it. You live in a pretty area.
Love your vision of the yard. How's it coming?
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